Study on Composting of Organic Fertilizer Pruduced by Spent Mushroom Substrate from Flammulina velutipes
【作者】 陈智毅; 赵晓丽; 刘学铭;
【Author】 CHEN Zhi-yi,ZHAO Xiao-li,LIU Xue-min(1BIO-TECH Research institute of GAAS,Guangzhou Wushan,510610)
【机构】 广东省农业科学院农业生物技术研究所;
【摘要】 研究金针菇菌糠配合鸡粪和堆肥菌剂规模化生产有机肥的方法。结果表明:研究获得的肥料产品有机质达到51%、全氮2.15%、全磷1.76%、全钾1.89%或总养分5.8%、pH值8.5、此外蛔虫卵死亡率、大肠杆菌数以及汞、砷、镉、铅、铬含量等均符合生物有机肥的标准,说明菌糠非常适合用于生产有机肥。
【Abstract】 The aim of this study was to investigate the efficient use of spent mushroom substrates(SMC) usinga method of the large-scale production of organic fertilizer of SMC from Flammulina velutipes combined with chicken manure and antimicrobial compost inoculants.The results showed that the produced fertilizer contains 51% of organic matter,2.15% of total nitrogen 1.76% of total phosphorus,1.89% of total potassium,which the total nutrient is reached to 5.8%.The pH value of the fertilizer is 8.5.In add...
【关键词】 菌糠; 有机肥; 堆肥;
【Key words】 Spent mushroom Substrate; Organic Fertilizer; Compost;
【基金】 广东省教育部产学研结合项目(2010A090200011)