Safety Assessment of Antrodia cinnamomea Mycelium Grown in Submerged Culture
【作者】 陈泰伊; 仲伟鉴; 肖萍; 洪新宇; 林定威; 许胜杰; 陈劲初;
【Author】 CHEN Taii1,CHONG Weichian2,SHIAO Ping2,HONG Shinyu2,LIN Tingwei1, SHEU Senje1,CHEN Chinchu1 1Grape King Incorporated,Shanghai 201611,China;2Shanghai Institute of Preventive Medicine, Shanghai 200336,China
【机构】 上海葡萄王企业有限公司; 上海市预防医学研究院;
【摘要】 对樟芝菌丝体发酵全液冻干粉进行大鼠90d安全性评估试验,按樟芝菌丝体发酵液冻干粉量与大鼠体重比,设计低、中、高3个剂量(0.5、1.5、4.5g/kg)。结果表明:试验期间所有动物生长良好,无明显掉毛、行动迟缓、不吃不喝等临床症状,血液学、生物化学、尿常规、主要脏体比及组织学检查结果与对照组相比,均无明显差异。樟芝菌丝体发酵全液冻干粉的无观察危害反应剂量为每天4.5g/kg。
【Abstract】 A 90-day subchronic toxicity test was undertaken to assess the safety of Antrodia cinnamomea(Ac) mycelium grown in submerged culture.Male and female Sprague Dawley rats were administered Ac at doses of 0.0,0.5,1.5 and 4.5 g/kg per day in the normal feed for 90 consecutive days and were observed daily for clinical abnormalities.Body weights and feed intake levels were measured and recorded weekly.All the animals survived until the termination of the study(91 days),at which point they were sacrifi...
【关键词】 樟芝; 安全性; 长期食用;
【Key words】 Antrodia cinnamomea; safety assessment,subchronic toxicity;