Determination of Zn,Fe,Mn and Cu in Fruit Bodies of Six Edible Mushroom Species Using Microwave Digestion Combined with Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
【作者】 陈伟珍; 苏文义; 杨桂珍; 李水坤; 陈彦兰;
【Author】 CHEN Weizhen,SU Wenyi,YANG Guizhen,LI Shuikun,CHEN Yanlan Chemistry Science and Technology School,Zhanjiang Normal University,Zhanjiang,Guangdong 524048,China
【机构】 湛江师范学院化学科学与技术学院;
【摘要】 采用微波消解技术处理食用菌样品,用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP-AES)同时测定锌、铁、锰、铜等微量元素的含量。实验结果表明:优化的消解剂用量为每0.25g食用菌子实体4.5mL HNO3+4.5mL H2O2;该方法适合测定食用菌中的锌、铁、锰、铜等微量元素,具简便、快速、稳定、准确等优点。方法的检出限为0.77~1.54μg/L,加标回收率为91.0%~101%,相对标准偏差为0.95%~7.10%。
【Abstract】 Levels of Zn,Fe,Mn and Cu in fruit bodies of six edible fungi were determined using microwave digestion combined with inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy(ICP-AES).Optimal digestion of fruit body material was achieved using a solution of 4.5 mL HNO3+4.5 mL H2O2 to treat 0.25 g tissue.Detection limits and average recovery rates for the four elements ranged between 0.77-1.54 μg/L and 91%-101%,respectively,and RSD values varied between 0.95%-7.1%.ICP-AES represents a simple,rapid...
【关键词】 食用菌; 微量元素; 微波消解; ICP-AES;
【Key words】 Edible fungus; trace element; microwave digestion; ICP-AES;
【基金】 广东省湛江师范学院校级青年项目(编号:QL1006)的部分研究内容