ITS Sequence Analysis of Strain ts Isolated from a Fruit Body of Laetiporus sulphureus Growing on Tai Mountain
【作者】 兰玉菲; 王庆武; 安秀荣; 王明才;
【Author】 LAN Yufei,WANG Qingwu,AN Xiurong,WANG MingcaiEdible Fungi Research Institute,Tai’an Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Tai’an,Shandong 271000,China
【机构】 泰安市农业科学研究院食用菌研究所;
【摘要】 采用组织分离的方法从野生硫磺菌(Laetiporus sulphureus)子实体上分离得到菌株ts,以其基因组为模板扩增获得该菌株的ITS序列,序列分析结果表明:该菌株与GenBank中Laetiporus sulphureus var.sulphureus的3个日本分离株聚为一簇,ITS核苷酸一致率为98.31%~99.25%,而与其它22个来自不同国家的硫磺菌属菌株的ITS核苷酸一致率为91.93%~98.12%,依此结果,ts菌株应为L.sulphureus var.sulphureus。
【Abstract】 Fungal mycelium,isolated from a fruit body of Laetiporus sulphureus growing in the wild on a species of Quercus located on Tai Mountain,was identified as a strain(designated strain ts) of L.sulphureus var.sulphureus based on ITS sequencing.The ITS sequence(deposited in GenBank under the accession number,JF946748) was used along with ITS sequences from other Laetiporus species to construct a phylogenetic tree using the neighbor-joining method.This revealed a high genetic similarity(98.31%-99.25%)...
【关键词】 硫磺菌硫磺原变种; 转录间隔区;
【Key words】 Laetiporus sulphureus var.sulphureus; internal transcribed spacers(ITS);
【基金】 山东省中青年科学家科研奖励基金(编号:BS2011NY021);泰安市科技发展计划项目(编号:20113008)的部分研究内容