【摘要】<正> Trachyspora is a small genus of rust fungi with 5 species on Alchemilla of the Rosaceae. The genus is autoecious and demicyclic with aperidiate uredinoid aecia and naked telia, one-celled teliospores borne singly on 1-septate pedicels. The uredinoid aecia have been regarded by previous authors as uredinia while Arthur (1934) called them aecia because the spores are sessile or somewhat catenulate. Spermogonia were described by Gjaerum and Cummins (1982) as phragmidioid type corresponding to type 10 of Hiratsuka and Cummins (1963) but they usually are not produced or not easy to be collected. The septate pedicels of teliospores were pointed out by Mundkur and Thirumalachar (1946) as a distinct character separating it from Uromyces, with which the genus has been mistaken by many authors. Actually, restriction of parasitism to the rosaceous plants and spermogonia of