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    【发布日期】:2018-10-10  【来源】:菌物学报
    【作者】吴悦明 张天宇
    【机构】Mycological Laboratory, Department of Plant Pathology, Shandong Agricultural University
    【摘要】A total of 59 isolates of soil dematiaceous hyphomycetes belonging to 28 species in 16 genera were obtained from Hulunbuir and Xilin Gol Steppe. Scolecobasidium tuberculosum is a new species morphologically resembling S.constrictum but having conspicuously tuberculate and dark brown conidia. Latin diagnosis is given for the new species. Cordana pauciseptata, Doratomyces columnaris, Bipolaris indica, Periconia jabalpurensis and Trichocladium opacum are new to Chinese fungal flora, and brief descriptions and illustrations of them are also provided based on Chinese isolates. The other 22 species previously known from China are also listed. All studied specimens (dried cultures) and living cultures are deposited in the Herbarium of Plant Pathology, Shandong Agricultural University (HSAUP). 
    【基金】the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (No. 30270012 & 30499340);
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