【作者】Margarita BONDARTSEVA
【机构】VL Komarov Botanical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences,Saint Petersburg 197376,Russia
【摘要】The main morphological features of fungi representing different evolutionary lines are discussed.Environmental situations which stimulate morphological changes are regarded.It is suggested to define ecological significance of fungal morphological characters,dividing them to the ecologically inert(the main characters determining evolutionary line) and ecologically active-characters which submerged to the changes with the changing of environmental conditions.Two main strategies for fungi in nature are described:raising competitive ability to win conquer for substratum,for the place in ecosystem,and the second way for less competitive species-to adapt to more stressful natural conditions and to occupy ecological niches becoming free.Some examples of analysis of adaptation to substrata and climatic zones by fungi are shown.
【基金】Supported by Russian Foundation of Fundamental Investigations Grant 09-04-01064;