【机构】Botanischer Garten & Botanisches Museum,Freie Universitaet Berlin,Koenigin-Luise-Str.6-8,Berlin D-14195,GermanyBotanical Museum,Finnish Museum of Natural History,P.O.Box 7,FI-00014 University of Helsinki,Finland
【摘要】From mid-elevation pine forest on the Aegean Sea island of Thasos 8 additional Cladonia species for the lichen mycota of Greece are reported.Most have a wide distribution in Europe and reach their southern limit in Greece.From schistose rock in the same area and on Evvia a new species is described,Cladonia graeca,which is probably related to C.macrophylla and C.decorticata but contains fumarprotocetraric acid instead of psoromic or perlatolic acid.
【基金】Supported by The German Research Association (DFG);