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    单毅生; 王鸣歧
    开封医专; 复旦大学生物系 开封; 上海

    【中文摘要】 茯苓菌常生长在松属(Pinus)上,是一种常用的中药,它的功效是:强心、利水和安神。其药用部分是茵核。菌核一年生,近圆形或近肾形,每个菌核约重0.5—3公斤。我们研究了茯苓菌的分离方法,并寻找出它的纯培养条件和生活特性。发现它适宜生长的温度为21—24℃,适宜生长的pH为6.5。还进行了获苓菌生活周期的研究,它的子实体无柄,一年生,木栓质——木质,覆瓦状,担孢子卵圆形,7—8微米,淡黄色,担子上生长4个孢子。

    【英文摘要】 Usually, The Tuckahoe, Poria cocos (schw.) Wolf grows on various species of pines. (e. g: Pinus massoniana Lamb., or Pinus yennanensis Franch.) Poria is a famous medicinal herb most useful to us, because its function are cardiotonic, uropaiesis and sedative. The useful part of poria is sclerotium, the sclerotium usually as annual, suborbicular or reniform, apiece of sclerotium often about weight 0.5—3KG. We have studied the mycelium of Poria which isolated and use broad-mouth bottles filled., with the pure culture condition to produce mycelium. The optimal temperature of its growing is 21—24℃. The optimal pH is 6.5. We have also studied the life cycle of Poria. The fruiting bodies produced resupinately on sclerotium surface, white, turned to pale brown when aged, pores polygonal to irregular, basidiospores 7—8 μm, ovoid, glabrous and yellowish hyaline.

    【英文关键词】 Pori cocos

    【文献出处】 中国食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,编辑部邮箱,1987年03期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.1987-03-002

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