张金霞; 张树庭
中国农业科学院全国农业菌种保藏中心; 香港中文大学生物系 北京 100081; 香港
【中文摘要】 通过对34株草菇[Volvariella volvacea(Bull.ex Fr.)Sing.]保藏菌种的肉眼和显微观察,按菌落和菌丝形态,将其分为气生型(正常)和匍匐型(不正常)两大基本类型。气生型又分为正常生长型和缓慢生长型两类。本实验观察到,所有气生型菌株的菌丝都粗而直,在PDAY培养基上正常生长的都能在天然基质废棉上正常生长并出菇;而所有在PDAY培养基上生长缓慢的都不能在天然基质废棉上正常生长(或生长缓慢细弱,或仅在表面生长),且不能出菇。所有匍匐型菌株的菌丝都细而多弯曲,在PDAY培养基和废棉上都生长缓慢,甚至不能生长,均不能出菇。凝胶电泳表明,与气生型菌株相比,匍匐型菌株多1-2条酯酶同工酶带,而缺少一条活性极强的可溶性蛋白带。实验结果表明,(1) 菌落形态特征可能是鉴定草菇菌种保藏效果的第一特征,气生菌丝的有无可以作为菌株正常与否的重要标志;(2) 菌丝形态,包括粗细、曲直、分枝等是区别草菇菌种保藏后正常与否的微观特征;(3) 酯酶同工酶谱和可溶性蛋白带是鉴别草菇菌种保藏效果的可利用的生化标志。上述特征和标志都与草菇菌种的商业性状,如发菌、出菇等,有明显的关系。对于这些...更多生化标志尚有待于进一步鉴定和研究 还原
【英文摘要】 Thirty-four stock cultures of Volvariella volvacea (Bull. ex Fr.)were examined visually and microscopically, and two general types of hyphae, the aerial type and the flat type could be grouped. Furthermore, the aerial type could be divided into two categories, good growth and slow growth. The aerial type hyphae were thick and straight in appearance. In this study, one category of the aerial type grew well on PDAY medium and could grow well on cotton waste compost, and fruitd normally; the another category grew slowly on PDAY medium and also grew slowly on cotton waste compost, they failed to fruit. The flat type hyphae were thin and wavy in appearance. They grew very slow either on PDAY medium or on cotton waste compost and were unable to fruit. Gel electrophoresis demonstrated that the flat type appeared more one or two bands on esterase isozyme zymogram, and missed one major band on coluble protein profile as compared to the aerial type. The results suggest that after storage, the my...更多celial colony morphology may be primary characteristic for identification of productivity and quality of V. volvacea culture; the existence or absence of aerial hyphae could be as marker of normality or abnormality of V. volvacea culture; the morphology of hyphae including diameter, growth direction, branch could be used for determination of V. volvacea culture, and esterase isozyme zymogram and soluble protein could be biochemical indicators to distinguish normal from changed culture for V.volvacea. All of these indicators seem to be relative to commercial characteristics such as mycelial running on compost and fruiting. Further studies are required to characterize these biochemical indicators. 还原
【中文关键词】 草菇; 菌种保藏; 保藏效果鉴定
【英文关键词】 Volvariella volvacea; Culture preservation; Effective determination
【文献出处】 中国食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,编辑部邮箱,1992年04期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.1992-04-000