黄大斌; 李开本; 陈体强
【中文摘要】 姬松茸是一种美味的药用蘑菇。近年来,我们进行姬松茸的引种栽培研究,本文报道姬松茸子实体的形态特征及菌体培养条件等的一些研究结果。姬松茸菌丝体能利用蔗糖、葡萄糖等作为碳源;但不能利用可溶性淀粉。其中以7%的蔗糖最佳,氮源利用上以硫酸铵(NH_4)_2SO_4最好,其最适浓度为0.3%,硝酸(HH_4NO_3)次之,但不能利用蛋白胨。姬松茸菌丝生长的温度范围为10~37℃,最适温度为23~27℃。菌丝体在酸碱度范围为pH4.5~8.0,最适为pH6.0~8.0。菌丝体能在料水比为1:1.2~2.2的培养基(含水量为54.5~68%)中生长,其中以料水为1:1.4时(含水量为58.5%)生长最好。
【英文摘要】 Agaricus,blazei,a kind of dilicious medical mushroom,was introduced from Japan in 1992 by us in this paper. The morphologic characteristics of fruitbody were described,and the nutrition reported, growth condition of mycelia were reported.As carbon,sucrose, glucose can be used by the mycelia,and 7%sucrose was best suitable,but soluble starch cannot be. As nitron, ammonium sulphate[(NH_4)_2SO_4] and ammonium nitrate[NH_4NO_3] were suitable,end 3%ammonium sulphate was the best, ammonium nitron was well, but peptone cann′t be used by my celia. The mycelia were grown in temperature of 10~37℃,acidity of pH4.5~8. 5, humidity of 54.5~68%,optimal condition were 23~27℃,pH6.0~8.0 and humidity 58.5%.
【中文关键词】 姬松茸; 子实体; 菌丝体; 生物学; 特性
【英文关键词】 Agaricus blazei; fruitbody; mycelium; biological characteristics
【文献出处】 中国食用菌,EDIBLE FUNGI OF CHINA,编辑部邮箱,1994年02期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.1994-02-005