高经典; 杨红; 罗孝坤
【中文摘要】 该项研究,用正交试验的方法证明,以稻草糠为主要原料栽培金针菇时,添加30%的麦麸、3%的黄豆粉、适量的糖和矿物元素效果较佳,生物转化率可达90%以上。然后又以正交试验中的最佳培养基为对照,再分别用杂木屑、玉米芯、棉籽壳等代替其中的稻草糠,比较了几种主要原料对金针菇的栽培效果。试验结果表明,以棉籽壳、玉米芯为主要原料的两种培养基菌丝生长较浓白、粗壮,但产量仍以稻草糠为主要原料的培养基最高,棉籽壳次之,再次是玉米芯,杂木屑产量最低。这可能是因为辅助原料的添加量适合于稻草糠,而与棉籽壳等主要原料搭配不当的缘故。
【英文摘要】 In the present study,it was proved by orthogonal experiment that pulverized rice straws used as the main cultural material for F. Velutiptes production,together with 30%of wheat bran,3%of pulverized soybeans and a certain amount of sugar and mineral elements,gave comparatively good results,the bioconversion rate possibly over 90%. And then,the best cultural medium in the rothogonal experiment was taken as the check and wood residues, pulverized corncobs and cottonseed hulls were used respectively in place of the pulverized rice straws. The effects of these materials to F. veiutipes cultivation were compared and the results showed that although the mycelia were heavily Whitened andthickened in the hulls-and the cobs-based media,the yield was the highest,in the straws-based medium, the 2nd in the hulls- ,the 3rd in the cobs-and the lowest in the wood residues-based media. This is probably due to the amount of subsidiary materials added being appropriate in the straws-bastd medium but not...更多 in the others. 还原
【中文关键词】 金针菇; 多因子; 效应; 正交试验; 补充试验; 主要原料; 辅助原料; 培养基; 生物; 转化率
【英文关键词】 Flammulina velutipes(Fr.)sing: multiple factor:effect; orthogonal exp-eriment; supplementary experiment; main material; subsidiary material; cultural medium; bioconversion rate
【文献出处】 中国食用菌,EDIBLE FUNGI OF CHINA,编辑部邮箱,1994年05期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.1994-05-003