杨大智; 朱启顺; 段焰青; 杨正斌
【中文摘要】 干巴菌(ThelephpragonbajunZang)是一种可食性菌根真菌,主要分布于中国云南中部地区。本文报道干巴菌振孢子的多核性及其担孢子在萌发过程中的多芽管现象。采用Giemsa'sStain及Nematoxylin等染色方法研究的结果表明:干巴菌担孢子具有单核、双核、三核、七核等多核性。并在担孢子萌发过程中发现与孢子多核性相对应的一个芽管,二个芽管、三个穿管、七个芽管等多芽管现象,产生真菌孢子多核现象原因,是由于孢子形成过程中,细胞核行为造成的。当担孢子形成过程中,二个单倍体核进行核配形成一个二倍体核,它再进行一次减数分裂,结果在担子中产生四个单倍体核,四个单倍体核随机进入担孢子后,造成多个核、一个核和无核孢子现象。另一种情况,是担孢子中一个核或多个核再行一次或多次减数分裂,从而产生了某些属种真菌的多核孢子。干巴菌担孢子的多核现象,属首次报道。
【英文摘要】 Thelephora ganbajun Zang is an edible ectomycorrhizal fungus,distributing in themiddle area of Yunnan,China.This report suggests that polynuelear character of basi-diospore of Thelephora ganbajun Zang with several germ tubes during sporerunning.Theresult shows that basidiospore possesses polynuclear character such as one nucleus,twonuclei,three nuclei,seven nuclei etc.by using Gienisa's Stain &Hematoxylin DyeingMethods etc,While several germ tubers for exalnple one germ tuber,two germ tubers,three germ tabers and seven germ tubers which corresponds to the polynuclear characterof basidiospore,are observed during germination of basidiospore,The reason that poly-nucleus appears in basidiospore is caused by nuclear behaviour when spores are formed.Two haploid nucleus's karyogamy forms a diploid nucleus while basidiospore is forming.And there is a meiosis in it.and then four haoloid nucleus are produced in basidium.After four hanloid nuclei enter the basidiosnore at random,the phenomeno...更多n of more nucl-ei,one nucleus and non-nucleus spore appears.Under another circumstances,oi1e or morenucleus in basidiospore develop meiosis one time or many times,polynuclear spore belo-nging to some genera and species is produced.Polynuclear phenomenon of basidiosporein Thelephora ganbajun is first reported in this paper. 还原
【中文关键词】 干巴菌; 担孢子; 多核性; 减数分裂; 单倍体; 二倍体
【英文关键词】 Thelephora ganbajun; basidiospore; polynuclear charaeter; meiosis; haoloid.diploid
【文献出处】 中国食用菌,EDIBLE FUNGI OF CHINA,编辑部邮箱,1996年02期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.1996-02-016