陈曙晖; 陆忠权
贵州省麻类科学研究所; 贵州省麻类科学研究所 独山 558200; 独山 558200
【中文摘要】 1990~1994年从湖南济阳县引进麻菇菌种,在独山地区进行高产栽培技术研究,结果表明:采用堆式床栽,用堆料层次和薄膜覆盖控制菌堆温度和湿度,使菌堆中心料温保持在32~40℃,堆料含水量在65~75%.菌料pH植在8~9,膜内空气相对湿度在85~95%之间,麻菇生产率可达30~50%。
【英文摘要】 In 19901994 a fine variety that was straw mushroom (Volrariella volvacea) was intro- duced from Liuyang of Hunan. Then we engaged in its high yield cultivation technique expriment in Dushan areas of Yunnan-Guizhou plateau. The results showed that the mushroom material which was made by bed windrow and packing tiers and covering with plastic casing, keep temperature and moisture and pH value of windrow at 3240℃ and 6575% and 89, and air relative moisture in plastic casing keep on 8595%. That fresh mushroom productivity may be 3050%.
【英文关键词】 Straw mushroom; Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau; High yield cultivation
【文献出处】 中国食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,编辑部邮箱,1997年01期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.1997-01-018