黄年来; 郭美英; 黄黎红
福建省三明真菌研究所; 福建省三明真菌研究所; 福建省三明真菌研究所 365000; 365000; 365000
【中文摘要】 <正> 目前我国栽培的大多数食用菌其食用的部分都是子实体。只有茯苓食用的部分是菌核,其子实体不能食用,猪苓食用的部分是子实体,菌核则不能食用。然而,在滇西南(腾冲、章凤一带)尚有一种珍稀的食用菌兼药用菌-虎奶菇(张光亚,1984;应建浙,臧穆,1994)其子实体和菌核均可食用。虎奶菇虽然有很高的营养价值和药用价值,可以作为蛋白质(含16%以上)、钾、钙、镁等元素、多糖等活性物质的重要给源,并可制成预防哮喘病、糖尿病、冠心病的天然的保健药品。但迄今我国尚未开发利用。自1993年我们对虎奶菇的生物学特性和栽培
【英文摘要】 Tiger milk mushroom is an economically important wood rotting basidiomycete, it belongs to Pleurotaceae. In China, tiger milk mushroom distributed only in westsouthern region of Yunnan Province. It is an edible and medicinal mushroom, both the basidioma (fruit body) and sclerotia are eaten. Analysed data have shown that the tiger milk mushroom is highly nutritive and very rich in protiens, with a high potential for commercial cultivation. Under natural conditions of Sanming region, tiger milk mushroom can be cultivated 23 crops per year. General procedures: Preparation of substratum-Filling into plastic bags-Sterilization-Inoculation- Incubation-Sclerotia formation- Harvesting. The substrate for growing tiger milk mushroom in plastic bags are sawdust of suitable broad-leaved trees with rice bran or wheat pollard to enrich the nutrient and sometimes calcium carbonate is added to adjust the pH value of the substrate. Formulation of the substra- tum (in percentage scale) : cotton hulls 3...更多9%, sawdust 39%, wheat pollard 20%, CaCO_31%,sugar 1% ,wa- ter content about 62%65%(to the total dry materials). The mixed sawdusts are packed into a plastic bag by hand or by bag filling machine and pressure to form a cylindrical block. After filling, the bags are sterilized in an autoclave at 121123℃ for 12 hours. After cooling, the bags are inoculated. The optimum temprature for both mycelial growth and sclerotium formation is about 30 35℃. Incubation period takes about 4050 days for mycelial growth, 312 months for sclerotia forma- tion. The yield of each bag is about 100240g. 还原
【英文关键词】 Tiger milk mushroom (Pleurotus tuber-regium(Fr.)Sing.); Commercial cultivation; Substrate; Broad-leaved tree; Edible and medicinal mushroom
【文献出处】 中国食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,编辑部邮箱,1997年01期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.1997-01-005