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    李玉祥; 周滢; 李惠君
    南京农业大学; 南京农业大学; 南京农业大学 江苏南京 210095; 江苏南京 210095; 江苏南京 210095

    【中文摘要】 TritonX一100提取香菇单核体L52-adc“和金针菇单核体Fv23的菌体壁抗原,分别注射兔子制备抗血清。同样方法制备L52-adc“和Fv23原生质体融合子F02,F03的菌体壁抗原,琼脂糖双向扩散显示融合子F02、F03的菌体壁抗原能与所制备的亲本抗血清发生特异性沉淀反应。表明两个融合亲本的菌体壁抗原基因在融合子中得到表达。从而也进一步证实融合子确为两亲本的杂合子。

    【英文摘要】 Mycelial wall antigens were abstracted with TritonX-100 from the mycelium of Lenti- nus edodes monocaryon L52-ade and Flammulina velutipes monocaryon Fv23 and used for immunonizing rabbits to prepare antisera. The immunological reaction between antigens and antisera was tested with immunodif- fusion on agarose gel. The results show that the mycelial wall antigens of the fusants react specifically with the antisera and common pricipitin bands were formed on the gel. This indicates that the mycelia wall anti- gen genes of two parental strains have been expressed in the fusants and therefor confirms the fusants as hy- brids of the two parental strains.

    【中文关键词】 免疫鉴定; 原生质体融合; 菌体壁抗原
    【英文关键词】 Immunoidentification; Immunodiffusion; Protoplast fusant; Mycelial wall antigen; Basidiomycetes

    【文献出处】 中国食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,编辑部邮箱,1997年02期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.1997-02-005

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