尤华明; 刘银春; 钱友安
福建林学院; 松溪县食用菌开发公司
【中文摘要】 本文首次报道用电镜观察到喷浇磁水的灵芝其菌肉细胞密度比对照组高1/3左右,且厚壁细胞比薄壁细胞多1/3左右,而对照组则是厚壁细胞比薄壁细胞少1/3左右。在喷浇磁水的灵芝菌管细胞内还可见到较多的线粒体和密集的糖原颗粒。孢子内外结构及大小基本相同。并阐明灵芝超微结构的变化与磁生物效应的关系。
【英文摘要】 The paper first reports that under microscope observation,the density of the cell in the meat of Ganoderma lacidum sprinkled by magnetized water is 33 3 per cent thicker than that of the CK,and that the number of the thin wall cell is 33 3 per cent greater than thin wall cell in the test group,and that the number of the thin wall cell is 33 3 per cent greater than the thick wall cell in the CK And there are more mitochondria and concentrated glycogen granule particulate of the cell in the pipe of Ganoderma lacidum sprinkled by magnetized water. The structure size of spore in test group is as big as in the CK. The paper expounds the relation between cell utrastructure and biomagnetic effects.
【中文关键词】 原木灵芝; 磁生物效应; 超微结构
【英文关键词】 Log Ganoderma lacidum ; Biomagnetic effects; Cell trastructure
【文献出处】 中国食用菌,EDIBLE FUNGI OF CHINA,编辑部邮箱,1998年06期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.1998-06-004