叶明; 潘迎捷; 陈永萱
安徽机电学院生物化学工程系; 上海农业科学院食用菌研究所; 南京农业大学微生物学系
【中文摘要】 选用香菇的一个野生株(Q)与一个栽培株苏香(S)的4种孢子单核体进行双驳ピ咏唬获得四个杂交后代。栽培结果表明:1,2,4号菌株产量明显高于双亲产量,其中以2号菌株产量最高,其生物转化率为86保梗保ィ产量优势为212保梗ィ3号菌株产量高于双核体亲本Q,其杂种优势显著。
【英文摘要】 Four hybrids were obtained from the di-mon mating of wild strain (Q) and four types of sporualated monokaryons. The cultivation result showed that yield of strain No 1, 2 and 4 was obviously higher than their parents and No.2 of which yield was the highest and its biological efficiency was 86 9% and its heterosis of yield was 212 9%, and yield of No.3 was higher than its parent Q, showing a marked hybrid vigour.
【中文关键词】 香菇; 双单杂交; 育种; 杂种优势
【英文关键词】 Lentinus edodes; Di-Mon mating; Breeding; Hybrid vigour
【文献出处】 中国食用菌,EDIBLE FUNGI OF CHINA,编辑部邮箱,1999年04期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.1999-04-005