张功; 候枝莲; 峥嵘
内蒙古师范大学生物系!内蒙古呼和浩特010022; 乌海市第一中学!内蒙古乌海; 内蒙古师范大学生物系!内蒙古呼和浩特010022
【中文摘要】 对三种菇 (紫孢侧耳、香菇、金针菇 )子实体不同部位组织分离 ,在三种培养基内菌丝生长情况进行了比较研究。结果表明 :同一菇子实体的不同部位组织分离 ,在同一培养基内菌丝生长速度及长势存在着差异 ,而且不同培养基对三种菇子实体的不同部位组织分离培养菌丝的长速和长势也有显著的影响。
【英文摘要】 By culture of tissues separated from different parts of fruit body of three species of mushrooms:Pleurotus sapidus (Schulz.)Sacc.,Lentinus edodes (Berk.) Sing.,Flammulina velulipes (Curt.ex Fr.)Quél.,we conducted a comparative study on the situation of hyphae growth on three kinds of culture media.The results show:as far as tissues separated from different parts of the same fruit body,the growth rate and tendency of the hyphae are different;the different parts of the three species of fruit bodies cultured on different media have different growth rate and tendency of hyphae.
【中文关键词】 子实体; 组织分离; 生长势
【英文关键词】 Fruit body; Tissue separation; Growth tendency
【文献出处】 中国食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,编辑部邮箱,2001年02期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.2001-02-003