曹玉谦; 张善才; 迟峰; 张印; 赵玉良
辽宁省丹东市林业科学研究所; 辽宁省丹东市林业科学研究所; 辽宁省丹东市林业科学研究所; 辽宁省丹东市林业科学研究所; 辽宁省丹东市林业科学研究所 辽宁丹东118011 ; 辽宁丹东118011 ; 辽宁丹东118011 ; 辽宁丹东118011 ; 辽宁丹东118011
【中文摘要】 本试验对 6个不同滑菇品种进行了菌丝体生长和制种观察 ;在栽培试验过程中进行了多点小试和中试 ,初选出Ph0 8号和Ph0 6号两个品种。Ph0 8的单盘产量比CK1高出 2 5 8% ,比CK2 高出 35 3% ;Ph0 6的单盘产量比CK1高出 2 1 5 % ,比CK2 高出 30 6 %。它们均属早生品种 ,适合辽宁地区的气候特点 ,在幼菇期菌盖呈半球形、桔红色、附着的粘液多 ,菌柄比对照短 ,菇体健壮 ,符合商品收购和产品加工的要求
【英文摘要】 In this experiment,we observed six different varieties of Pholiota nameko in mycelium growing.In the cultivated experiment,we set up several basic point of smallscale test and the larger middle test.Ph08 and Ph06 of Pholiota nameko was selected for the first time.Mono lump yield of Ph08 is 25 8 percent higher than CK 1,and 35 3 percent higher than CK 2.Mono lump yield of Ph06 is 21 5 percent higher than CK 1,and 30 6 percent higher than CK 2.Ph08 and Ph06 are early-maturing varieties and suitable for the climate of Liaoning.The cap of them is tangerine and semi-ball.There is much of mucilage on it.Their stalk is shorter.The young fruit bodies are healthy and strong.There for,they accord with purchasing product and processing product.
【中文关键词】 滑菇; 筛选试验; 栽培试验
【英文关键词】 Pholiota nameko; Screening experiment; Cultivated experiment
【文献出处】 中国食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,编辑部邮箱,2002年05期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.2002-05-004