吴庆其; 吴学谦; 付立忠; 魏海龙; 李海波; 苏庆亮; 陈小红
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【中文摘要】 就香菇胶囊菌种在生产上的应用进行了对比试验,结果(1)应用香菇胶囊菌种比用传统菌种可节约接种时间50%;(2)胶囊菌种的菌棒接种污染率比传统菌种降低11.65%;(3)胶囊菌种接种至菌丝萌发的时间和菌丝长满全袋时间分别较传统袋装菌种接种方式迟20h、6.33d,但菌丝日生长速度没有显著差异;(4)在产量上,两种接种方式没有显著差异,但在制作成本上,每1000袋菌棒,用胶囊菌种比用传统菌种可节约100.6元。因此,在生产上应用胶囊菌种具有接种方便快捷、接种成活率高、成本降低等优点。
【英文摘要】 Comparative test between capsules spawn and traditional spawn which grow in sawdust medium were carried out on Lentinula edodes cultivation in this paper,The results showed that the inoculating time and inoculating contaminate percentage and the cost of per 1 000 artificial logs of capsules spawn was 50%,11.65%,and 100.6 yuan lower than that of traditional spawn respectively.While used of the time from inoculation to mycelial germination and the time from mycelial germination to mycelial covered the whole artificial logs used of was 20h and 6.33d longer than that of traditional spawn respectively.Mycelial growth rate and fruibodies yield of capsules spawn was similar with that of traditional spawn.
【中文关键词】 香菇; 胶囊菌种; 工厂化繁育
【英文关键词】 Lentinula edodes; capsules spawn; industrial propagate
【文献出处】 中国食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,编辑部邮箱,2005年03期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.2005-03-014