张李阳; 周业飞; 张敦林; 蒋亚平; 庄毅
江苏南京晓庄学院生命科学系; 江苏南京晓庄学院生命科学系; 江苏南京晓庄学院生命科学系; 江苏南京晓庄学院生命科学系; 江苏南京晓庄学院生命科学系 南京210017; 南京210017; 南京210017; 南京210017; 南京210017
【中文摘要】 报告药用真菌开始应用在畜牧业中的研究情况,试验结果显示:在AA肉鸡的全价日粮中添加一定量的经固体发酵或双向性固体发酵产生的药用菌质和药性菌质,能够显著提高动物的生产性能和机体免疫力。在饲喂了42d后(菌质添加天数为5 ̄35日龄),试验一组即药用菌质组平均每只比对照组体增重(终重-初始重)增加了0.174Kg(提高了10.3%),禽流感-H5亚型的血清抗体滴度比对照组提高了1.9个滴度;试验二组即药性菌质组禽流感-H5亚型的血清抗体滴度比对照组提高了3.2个滴度,体增重增加了0.058Kg(提高了3.5%)。试验将为防治禽流感等的后继研究和生产性与临床试验提供理论依据和实验基础。
【英文摘要】 The medical fungi was used in the farming was reported in the paper,the result showed: the medical fungi fermentation substances,was added to the AA broiler feedstuff,could enhance production and immunity performance.After the substances were fed 30 days old,the broiler of the experiment 1 and 2 groups were separately enhanced 174g and 58g(10.3% and 3.5%)than the control group,and the serum antibody titers of AI-H5 subtype were enhanced 1.9 and 3.2.The experiment result could provide the base and evidence for the sequel research,production and clinic experiment of preventing the avian influenza.
【中文关键词】 药用菌质; 促生长; 抗病毒
【英文关键词】 medical fermentation substance; growth-promoting; antivirus
【文献出处】 中国食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,编辑部邮箱,2006年02期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.2006-02-000