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    李祝; 肖洋; 梁宗琦
    贵州大学生命科学院; 贵州省产品质量监测院; 贵州大学生命科学院 贵阳550025; 贵阳550025; 贵阳550025

    【中文摘要】 从疫霉Phytophthorasp.(YL)和曲霉As-pergillussp.(P6-1)两株真菌菌丝体中分别提取其多糖作为激发子,在Cordycepsmillitaris97-0706菌株的不同生长阶段加入,观察不同多糖激发子对97-0706菌株虫草菌素含量的影响。结果表明:当YL多糖单独加入时,仅对虫草菌素含量有影响,而单独加入P6-1多糖,也仅对生物量有影响。但在发酵0h,加入60μg/mLYL多糖,当发酵到72h,再加入80μg/mLP6-1多糖,继续发酵120h,虫草菌素的含量可达到21.98±0.14mg/g(P<0.01),为对照的5.7倍,生物量可达到35.89±0.32g/l(P<0.01),比对照提高1.49倍。

    【英文摘要】 The polysaccharide was extracted respectively from the mycelium of Phytophthora sp.(YL) or Aspergillus sp.(P6-1),and was used as elicitor at different mycelial growth phases of Cordyceps millitaris 97-0706 to observe the effect of the content for Cordycepin because there were different polysaccharide elicitors.The results showed that when only YL polysaccharide was added to it,it could only affect the content of Cordycepin,and when P6-1 polysaccharide was added to it,it only could affect the biomass.But when it fermented at 0h,60ug/ml YL polysaccharide was first added to it.Then 80ug/ml P6-1 polysaccharide was added to it after fermenting 72h.When it fermented up to 120h,the content of Cordycepin reached to 21.98±0.14mg/g(P<0.01),which was 5.7 times of CK,and biomass could reach to 35.89±0.32g/l(P<0.01),which was 1.49 times of CK.

    【中文关键词】 虫草菌素; 真菌多糖; 激发子; 蛹虫草; 生物量
    【英文关键词】 Cordycepin; Fungal Polysaccharide; Elicitor; Cordyceps millitaris

    【文献出处】 中国食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,编辑部邮箱,2006年03期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.2006-03-012

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