赵天瑞; 樊建; 覃宇悦; 曹建新
昆明理工大学食品工程研究中心; 昆明理工大学食品工程研究中心; 昆明理工大学食品工程研究中心; 昆明理工大学食品工程研究中心 昆明650224; 昆明650224; 昆明650224; 昆明650224
【中文摘要】 采用喷雾式流态化液氮速冻及缓冻,探讨了在选用不同的筛板、风速和食品层高,以及不同的冻结温度下青头菌的流化状态、冻结速率及与解冻后冻品汁液流失率之间的关系等。结果表明:选用开孔率为50%、孔径为5mm的筛板,用3.5 m.s-1循环风速,对床层高度为5 cm的新鲜青头菌进行流态化速冻效果最佳;建议采用-70℃以下温度进行冻结,冻品在-26℃冰箱中冻藏6个月,解冻后的汁液流失率低于2.3%。
【英文摘要】 Using slow freezing and liquid nitrogen quick freezer by the fashion of spray and flowed state,the Russula virescens L freezing technics was studied through analyzing its flowed state by different sieve plate,wind speed and height of the food,analyzing freezing-rate and rate of juice leakage of frozen food.The results show that the optimal conditions were using the sieve plate of 50% holing rate and 5mm aperturet at 5cm height of the food by 3.5 m·s-1 circular wind speed.The author propose that freeze Russula virescens L under-70℃,frozen food were stored 6 months at-26℃,its rate of juice leakage less than 2.3% after thawing.
【中文关键词】 青头菌; 冻结; 流态化; 汁液流失率
【英文关键词】 Russula virescens L; Freezing; Flowed state; Rate of juice leakage
【文献出处】 中国食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,编辑部邮箱,2007年04期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.2007-04-019