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    崔业波; 包海鹰; 李玉
    吉林农业大学中药材学院; 吉林农业大学中药材学院; 吉林农业大学中药材学院 长春130118; 长春130118; 长春130118

    【中文摘要】 建立灵苓神颗粒剂的制备工艺和质量控制方法,并通过药理实验研究其镇静安神的药理作用。灵芝和茯神配伍,采用挤出制粒法制得灵苓神颗粒。通过小鼠的催眠实验和影响小鼠自主活动的药理实验研究灵苓神的药理作用。灵苓神能显著的增加小鼠的入睡个数和减少小鼠的活动时间。结论:灵苓神颗粒剂具有镇静安神的作用。

    【英文摘要】 To set up preparation technology and quality control methods of Ling-ling Shen Granule and research on its sedative and hypnotic effect by pharmacological experiment.Ling-ling Shen containing the mainly Ganoderma and Poria with hostwood is preparared through using the extrusion method,and studied the pharmacological effect of Ling-ling Shen by the hypnotic experiment and affecting the time of mice's active behaviors experiment.Ling-ling Shen can obviously reduce the active behaviors of mice and increase the number of hypnotic mouse.Ling-ling Shen Granule possesses obviously sedative and hypnotic effect in mice.

    【中文关键词】 灵苓神颗粒剂; 灵芝; 茯神; 镇静药和催眠药; 小鼠; 苯巴比妥钠
    【英文关键词】 Ling-ling Shen Granule; Ganoderma lucidum(Curtis:Fr.) Karst.; Poria with hostwood; Hypnotics and sedatives; Mice; Phenobarbital sodium

    【文献出处】 中国食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,编辑部邮箱,2007年05期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.2007-05-014

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