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【中文摘要】 为节省香菇生产对阔叶树资源的消耗,按照"节木、优质、高产、高效"的目标,通过对代料香菇栽培模式、菌棒制作工艺、主料、辅料、品种选择及生育因子控制等整个过程试验研究,系统地总结出一整套香菇优质高效节木栽培技术,使阔叶树木屑节省50%67%,菌棒成品率达95%以上,比常规香菇生产技术提高了12%20%,灭菌燃料减少50%以上,且所产香菇畸形菇大大减少,符合出口标准的优质香菇比例增加20%以上,菇木固型性提高、烂筒发生少。
【英文摘要】 Cultivation mode,artificial log made techniques,main & supplement cultivation substrate,strain and growth & development factor were researched in order to reduce consumption of broad-leaf tree and reach the objection of saving sawdust,high yield,high quality and excellent efficiency in Lentinula edodes cultivation.High quality and excellent efficient sawdust-saving cultivation techniques for Lentinula edodes was summarized.In contrast to route techniques that made broad-leaf tree sawdust as main cultivation substrates,the techniques can save broad-leaf tree sawdust 50%67%,increase excellent rate of artificial log after inoculation & sterilization 12%20%(reached 95%),save 50% fuel for sterilization,reduce abnormal fruit-body deeply,increase high quality fruit-body that reach export standard 20%,increase solidity of artificial log and decrease rotten bag rate.
【中文关键词】 香菇; 节木栽培; 阔叶树木屑; 针叶树木屑; 辅料
【英文关键词】 Lentinula edodes; Sawdust-saving cultivation; Broad-leaved tree sawdust; Coniferous sawdust; Supplement cultivation substrate
【基金】浙江省“九五”重大攻关项目(计划编号991102319);; 农业科技成果转化项目(2003D70090)
【文献出处】 中国食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,编辑部邮箱,2007年05期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.2007-05-009