林友照; 出小平
福建省农业职业技术学院; 福建农林大学生命科学学院 福州350007; 福州350002
【中文摘要】 研究了不同碳源、氮源、温度、pH值和光照对蟹味菇菌丝生长的影响,并对蟹味菇工厂化栽培培养料进行了筛选。结果表明:菌丝最适生长温度25℃,最适pH为9.0,避光条件下培养的菌丝体色泽、长势较好。以麦芽糖为碳源,以蛋白胨为氮源,菌丝生长最快,长势旺盛。最适培养料配方:棉籽壳35%、木屑35%、麦麸25%、玉米粉5%、生石灰1%,生物学效率达到55.8%。
【英文摘要】 The effect of carbon and nitrogen sources,temperature,pH value and light on the mycelial growth of Hypsizygus marmoreus were studied.And cultivation composts were screened.The results showed that the optimum temperature and pH were 25 ℃and 9.0 respectively.Mycelia had good color and growth vigor without light.Maltose as carbon source and peptone as nitrogen source leaded to the highest mycelial growth rate and the strongest mycelial growth vigor.The optimal formula of cultivation composts was cotton seed hull 35%,saw-dust 35%,wheat bran 25%,cornmeal 5% and lime l%,which leaded to biological efficiency reach to 55.8%.
【中文关键词】 蟹味菇; 生物学特性; 培养料
【英文关键词】 Hypsizygus marmoreus; Biological characteristic; Composts
【文献出处】 中国食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,编辑部邮箱,2007年06期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.2007-06-011