吕明亮; 应国华; 斯金平; 曹隆枢; 叶荣华; 李伶俐
丽水市林业科学研究所; 浙江林学院; 龙泉市真菌研究所
【中文摘要】 以相同灵芝菌种,不同树种作栽培基质,重复对比栽培试验。结果表明用不同树种栽培灵芝,子实体外观色泽有明显差异,生物转化速度以枫香最快、杨梅最慢;转化率以枫香、漆树、青冈较高。在青冈、甜槠、白栎、枫香、杨梅、漆树、拟赤杨7个树种中,适宜灵芝栽培的树种排序依次为:枫香、青冈、漆树、杨梅、拟赤杨、白栎、甜槠。
【英文摘要】 In order to understand the effects of Ganoderma lucidum cultivation with different tree species to the fruits appearance and transformation. With the same Ganoderma lucidum strain,different tree species for cultivation medium,cultivation experiments were made with repeated comparison. Ganoderma lucidum cultivation with different tree species had distinct difference in fruit appearance and colour. Liquidambar formosana had the fastest biological transformation speed. Morella rubra Lour. was the slowest. Liquidambar formosana,Toxicodendron vernicifluum and Cyclobalanopsis glauca had the higher transformation rate. In the seven tree species namely Cyclobalanopsis glauca,Liquidambar formosana,Toxicodendron vernicifluum,Morella rubra Lour.,Alniphyllum fortunei,Castanopsis eyrei(Champ.)Tutch,Quercus fabri Hance. The tree species suitable for Ganoderma lucidum cultivation ordered Liquidambar formosana,Cyclobalanopsis glauca,Toxicodendron vernicifluum,Morella rubra Lour.,Alniphyllum fortunei, ...更多Quercus fabri Hance, Castanopsis eyrei(Champ.)Tutch. 还原
【中文关键词】 灵芝; 基质; 转化率; 外观
【英文关键词】 Ganoderma lucidum; Medium; Transformation rate; Appearance
【文献出处】 中国食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,编辑部邮箱,2008年05期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.2008-05-012