黄志立; 黄彦君; 张丽君; 刘冬; 梁世中
深圳职业技术学院化生学院应用生物技术系; 华南理工大学生物工程系
【中文摘要】 通过设计L16(4)5正交实验,确定了可提高云芝菌丝体中SOD活性的深层发酵培养基的最优组分,实验结果表明,培养基各组分对菌丝体生物量的影响顺序依次为黄豆粉>(NH4)2SO4>土豆>葡萄糖>麦麸,而对SOD总活力的影响顺序为(NH4)2SO4>黄豆粉>麦麸>葡萄糖>土豆。综合考虑试验结果及成本因素,确定云芝菌丝体产SOD的最适培养基为马铃薯160g·L-1、葡萄糖16g·L-1、麦麸10g·L-1、黄豆粉18g·L-1,不添加硫酸铵,pH自然。
【英文摘要】 In this paper, the effects of culture ingredients on the mycelia growth and SOD activity of Coriolus vericolor were observed using an orthogonal layout L16 (45). Results showed that the order of the effects of culture ingredients on the mycelial growth of Coriolus vericolor were soybean powder> (NH4)2SO4>potato>glucose>wheat bran, while the order of the effects of the components on SOD activity were (NH4)2SO4>wheat bran>soybean powder>glucose>potato. The optimal concentration of medium was as follows: 160 g·L-1 potato, 16 g·L-1 glucose, 10 g·L-1 wheat bran, 18 g·L-1 soybean powder and natural pH.
【中文关键词】 云芝; 菌丝体; SOD; 深层发酵; 培养基; 优化
【英文关键词】 Coriolus vericolor; Mycelia; SOD; Optimization; Submerged culture; Medium ingredients
【文献出处】 中国食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,编辑部邮箱,2009年04期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.2009-04-020