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    王菊明; 谭琦
    上海市农科院食用菌所; 上海市农科院食用菌所 上海 201106 ; 上海 201106

    【中文摘要】 研究结果表明,平菇厉眼菌蚊(Lycoriella pleuroti)不耐高温,成虫34℃ 4h 100%死亡;幼虫37℃ 2h 100%死亡。该虫极耐低温,成虫-3.5℃15h 96.30%死亡;4龄幼虫-11℃ 24h95%死亡。在自然温度下该虫全世代的发育起点温度为6.35±1.19℃,有效积温为256.66±27.64日度。该虫适温为15~22℃,18~22℃为最适温度。18~22℃时完成一代只需21天。13.53、18.40,20.43、26.15℃时产卵量依次为87.77、110.00、119.30、75.67粒。虫量高峰在春季及初夏应贯彻以防为主、防治结合的综合防治策略。

    【英文摘要】 The result of our study indicated that Lycoriella pleuroti couldn t resist heat, the adults and the larvaes would die at 34℃ for 4h and at 37℃ for 2h. But it had high resistance to low temperature and 96.3% adults and 95.0% fourth instar larvaes wouldn't die until at-3.5℃ for 15h and at-11℃ for 24h. Under the natural temperature, the development zero temperature and the total effective accumulated temperature of the complete generation were 6.35±1.19℃ and 256.66±27.64 day-degree resp.. The suitable development temperature of the insect was 15-22℃ and its optimum growth temperature was 18-22℃ under which only 21 days were requied for one generation. And under 13.53, 18.40, 20.43 and 26.15℃, the average laying number of adults was 87.77, 110.00, 119.30 and 75.67 resp. with the peak population occurred in spring and early summer. In terms of pest control, it wou,ld be reasonable to put prevention first.

    【中文关键词】 平菇厉眼菌蚊; 发生规律; 防治策略
    【英文关键词】 Lycoriella pleuroti; Occurrence; Control strategy

    【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,1994年02期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.1994-02-009

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