钟恒; 刘振声; 谢永泉; 陈永泰
中山大学生物系!广州510275; 中山大学生物系!广州510275; 中山大学生物系!广州510275; 中山大学生物系!广州510275
【中文摘要】 当废棉培养料中的Zn含量为29(10-8,下同)和47时,草菇子实体富集的Zn量最大.分别为8.5和13.8,呈正相关。当废棉培养料的Zn含量增至268、482和2122时 富集的Zn量分别只有6.9、5.6和3.6,呈负相关。当废棉培养料Zn含量达4350时,草菇不产生或很少产生子实体.菌盖Zn含量(25.1)一般高于菌托和菌柄(8.2和7.9)用65Zn作示踪剂,通过测量放射性活度(cpm/g)和采用放射自显影技术,研究65Zn在菌盖、菌柄和菌托中的吸收与分布,结果同样显示,65Zn在菌盖和菌托中的含量大于菌柄.此外;随着子实体由蛋期到成熟期,菌托和菌柄中的65Zn向菌盖转移.为了探索草菇子实体的“生物活性锌”.测量了草菇子实体的蛋白质沉淀物和上清液的65Zn放射性活度(cpm/g).结果发现Zn较少与蛋白质结合,较多与可溶性糖和游离氨基酸等结合,或呈游离状态存在.
【英文摘要】 The maximum zinc accumulated in fruitbody of Volvariella volvacea was 8.5 and 13. 8 [10-4]respectively when the zinc content was 29 and 47 [10-4] in the cotton waste compost.it presented positive correlation. However when zinc content of cotton waste compost increased to 268, 486 and 2122 [10-4], the zinc accumulated was 6.9, 5.6 and 3.6 [10-4] respectively, it presented negative correlation. When the zinc content of cotton waste compost reached 4350 [10-4], the fruitbody of Volvariella volvacea was not produced or produced rarely. The zinc content of pileus (25.1×10-4) was higher than that of stipe and volva (8.2 and 7.9×10-4 resp.). Using "Zn as radiotracers, scintigraphy measurement (cpm/g) and radio autography were used to study absorption and distribution of "Zn in pileus, stipe and volva. The same result indicated that "Zn content in pileus and volva was higher than that in stipe. Moreover, it proved that the "Zn of volva and stipe was transferred to pileus with the fruitbody gro...更多wing from egg period to mature period. In order to probe initially biological active zinc of Volvariella volvacea fruitbody, the radioactivity (cpm/g) of protein sediment and supernatant of Volvariella volvacea fruitbody was measured. The results showed that zinc was rarely combined with protein, and always combined with soluble sugar and free amino acid etc, or probably existed in free state. 还原
【中文关键词】 Zn元素; 草菇子实体; 吸收和富集; 分布
【英文关键词】 Zinc element; Fruitbody of Volvariella .volvacea; Absorption and accumulation Distribution
【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,1995年01期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.1995-01-005