刘振岳; 泰立芳; 张伟; 贾建航; 刘丽娟; 刘红星; 赵世民; 徐金相
河北农业大学细胞工程组!保定市071001; 河北农业大学细胞工程组!保定市071001; 河北农业大学细胞工程组!保定市071001; 河北农业大学细胞工程组!保定市071001; 河北农业大学细胞工程组!保定市071001; 河北农业大学细胞工程组!保定市071001; 中科院遗传所404组; 中科院遗传所404组
【中文摘要】 以平菇和香菇为材料,应用细胞工程理论和技术获得细胞工程株.自1990年经原生质体融合获得子实体后.经过4年10个世代的选育.培育出遗传性状稳定的高产细胞工程株、命名为“平香一号”。经过3次产量中试.证明其菌丝洁白、粗壮,菌柄中生.无抱子,生育期比香菇短.生物转化率为154.6%,产量超过双亲、杂种优势显著.
【英文摘要】 BingXian 1" was obtained by call engineering technology. The success of protoplast fusion of Pleurotus xcpidus snd Lentinula edode was first reporten in 1990. The fusant grew up and formed fruitbodiec. And a cell enginoe-ring strain with stable heredittiry characters and high yield potential was suiressiiuly brea and named as "PingXian atter progeny selection through ten generations in four years period. Three pilot production were carried out. The results showed that "PingXian 1" was sporelee.s with wliite, sturdy mycelia, mesopocous stipes and shorter growing period. Its biological efficiency was 154.6% and iteyield was muain higher than that of two parental strains showing a marked hybrid vigour.
【中文关键词】 食用菌育种; 细胞工程株; 遗传性状
【英文关键词】 Edible fungus breeding; Cell engineering strain; Hereditary character
【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,1996年01期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.1996-01-000