于翠芳; 丁立孝; 张建丽; 阎培生; 郭立忠
山东莱阳农学院食品科学系!莱阳265200; 山东莱阳农学院食品科学系!莱阳265200; 山东莱阳农学院食品科学系!莱阳265200; 山东莱阳农学院食品科学系!莱阳265200; 山东莱阳农学院食品科学系!莱阳265200
【中文摘要】 利用半地下式塑料菇棚,进行了平菇菌株品比、接种后处理方法和栽培方式三因素的试验.结果表明:23个平菇菌株的发菌期存在显差差异,扎孔处理的显著加快菌丝生长速度,缩短发苗期,并减少杂菌污染;菌株间子实体产量差异显著。覆土栽培倡显著提高于实体产量.通过试验筛选出了适合玉米芯栽培的高产优质平菇菌株菜平1号、莱平4号、8903和pI802.
【英文摘要】 The experiments of three factors including the comparison among different P. ostreatus strains, different treatments after inoculation and different cultivation methods were conducted in the half-underground plastic mushroom shed. The results showed that there was significant difference among 23 strains. The pricking treatment could accelerate mycelium growth rate remarkably, shorten the spawn-run period and reduce contamination of harmful micro-organisms. While the yields of fruitbody differed significantly among strains and cultivation with casing could raise the yield prominently. So through a series of experiments, the high quality and high yield P. ostreatus strains of Laiping-1, Laiping-4, 8903 and pl802 adapted to corn cob compost were selected
【中文关键词】 玉米芯; 生料栽培; 平菇; 菌株; 筛选
【英文关键词】 Corn cob; Cultivation with unsterilized compost; Pleurotus ostreatus’; Strain screening
【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,1996年04期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.1996-04-007