许襄中; 夏道平
武汉市蔬菜科研所!武汉430065; 武汉市蔬菜科研所!武汉430065
【中文摘要】 本研究对无孢平菇菌株P22原生质体进行紫外线诱变处理,经拮抗试验,孢子印检测,扫描电镜和出菇试验,筛选出一株中低温型、高产、菇形好的无孢平菇突变菌株4-10。品比结果显示,4-10新菌株两年平均生物效率达112%,较出发菌株P22增产19.8%,较对照菌株P51增产22.7%。研究结果表明,原生质体紫外线诱变是一种快速简便且有效的育种方法。
【英文摘要】 The sporeless, mid-low temperature type, high yield mutagenic strain of P. ostreatus 4-10 with fine fruitbody morphology was selected from sporeless P. ostreatus P22 protoplast through irradiation of UV ray, antagonistic test, spore print identification, electron microscope scanning and fruiting experiment. The average biological efficiency of the new strain 4-10 in two years was up to 112%, increased by a factor of 19.8 % over the parent strain P22 and 22.7 % over the control strain P51. The results showed that UV radiation of P. ostreatus protoplast was a rapid, simple and effective method for sporeless strain breeding.
【中文关键词】 诱变育种; 无孢平菇; 原生质体再生; 紫外线
【英文关键词】 Mutation brceding; Sporeless Pleurotus ostreatus; Protoplast regeneration
【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,1997年02期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.1997-02-003