熊鹰; 闵一行; 姜邻; 唐利民
四川省农科院食用菌开发研究中心; 四川省农科院食用菌开发研究中心; 四川省农科院食用菌开发研究中心; 四川省农科院食用菌开发研究中心 成都 610066 ; 成都 610066 ; 成都 610066 ; 成都 610066
【中文摘要】 本文对叉状炭角菌在斜面培养基和固体培养基上的生长状况及鸡腿蘑在母种、原种阶段感染叉状炭角菌后形态特征的变化进行了研究,还对6个鸡腿蘑菌株进行了田间挖坑覆土和室内做箱覆土试验。结合生产实践推断,叉状炭角菌的侵染发生在覆土期,侵染源来自空气中的孢子,其萌发与鸡腿蘑菌圃的温度有关。
【英文摘要】 The growth characteristics of X. furcata on slant media and solid media and the morphological change of C. comatus spawn infected with X. furcata during mother culture and primary spawn period were reported in this study. While field excavation- casing test and indoor tray- casing test for 6 C. comatus strains were also conducted in our study. According to the production practice, the infection of X. furcata occurred during the casing period when X. furcata spores dropped on the casing and germinated at higher relative humity of the cultivation- bed.
【中文关键词】 叉状炭角菌; 鸡腿蘑; 覆土
【英文关键词】 Xylaria furcata Fr. ; Coprinus comatus; Casing
【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,1998年03期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.1998-03-007