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    丁凤珍; 侯洪勤; 朱网琴; 宋金娣
    江苏省农业科学院蔬菜研究所; 江苏省句容市神农富锗灵芝研究所; 江苏省句容市神农富锗灵芝研究所; 江苏省农业科学院蔬菜研究所 南京 210014 ; 句容 212400 ; 句容 212400 ; 南京 210014

    【中文摘要】 11个灵芝菌株经两种培养基、两种锗源的研究结果表明,锗对灵芝菌丝体生长的影响因锗源、培养基和菌株而异。以有机锗Ge-132为锗源,以棉籽壳为主料作培养基,锗对灵芝菌丝体生长无任何不良影响,以无机锗GeO_2为锗源,用PDA培养基培养,则50mg/kg锗即表现出轻度的抑制作用,随着锗浓度增加,抑制作用加剧。但菌株间差异很大,11个菌株在PDA培养基上耐GeO_2能力最强的为野生灵芝,最弱的为泰山灵芝。在1000mg/kg锗浓度下,两者的菌丝体生长量相差6.75倍。

    【英文摘要】 The result of studying with eleven G. lucidium strains, two kinds of media and two kinds of germanium showed that the effect of Ge on mycelial growth of G. lucidum varied with Ge - sources, media and strains. Using organic germanium Ge- 132 as Ge- source with cotton seed hull as main materials for the medium, no negative effect of Ge on mycelial growth was found, while 50 mg/kg Ge in inorganic germanium GeO2 was enough to cause a slight inhibition effect on mycelia growing in PDA medium. It was proved in our study that with the increment of the concentration of the Ge added, the inhibition effect was intensified, and that different strains differed widely in their tolerance to GeO2 stress. Among 11 strains studied, the wild G. Iucidum was the most tolerant strain to GeO2 in PDA medium, Whereas the Tashan G. Iucidum was the least tolerant strain. The mycelial growth amount of these two strains cultured in PDA medium added with 1000 mg/kg Ge in GeO2 differed by 6.75 fold.

    【中文关键词】 锗; 灵芝; 菌丝生长
    【英文关键词】 Germanium; Ganoderma lucidum; Mycelial growth

    【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,1998年04期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.1998-04-008

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