河北职业技术师范学院 昌黎 066600
【中文摘要】 本文对三个鸡腿蘑菌株的过氧化物酶同工酶进行了垂直平板聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳研究。结果表明,它们的酶谱具有相似的酶带,但其酶带数目、宽窄及颜色的深浅存在着差异。同时还测定了鸡腿蘑的营养成分,结果表明,野生鸡腿蘑含有16种氨基酸,栽培鸡腿蘑含有14种氨基酸。
【英文摘要】 The peroxidase isozyme of Coprinus comatus strains was studied with OSPAGE. The results showed that they had similar enzyme bands, but enzyme bands in different strains were different in number, width and colour; and that there were 16 amino acids in wild Coprinus comatus and 14 amino acids in cultivated Coprinus comatus .
【中文关键词】 鸡腿蘑; 电泳; 氨基酸
【英文关键词】 Coprinus comatus ; Electrophoresis; Amino acid
【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,1998年04期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.1998-04-004