严培兰; 高君辉; 谭琦; 陈明杰
农业部食用菌遗传育种重点开放实验室!上海市农业遗传育种重点开放实验室上海市农业科学院食用菌研究所上海201106; 农业部食用菌遗传育种重点开放实验室!上海市农业遗传育种重点开放实验室上海市农业科学院食用菌研究所上海201106; 农业部食用菌遗传育种重点开放实验室!上海市农
【中文摘要】 以三个单孢杂交的黑木耳菌株和沪耳1号为材料,研究了不同菌株的抗霉能力,产量以及胞外多酚氧化酶、漆酶、过氧化物酶、半纤维素酶、羧甲基纤维素酶活性之间的相关性。结果表明:不同菌株的抗霉性与产量呈正比,不同的胞外酶活性又与抗霉性有一定的相关性,从而为黑木耳的抗病育种和生产提供了理论依据。
【英文摘要】 Using three Auricuiaria auricula mono- spore hybrids and Huer No. 1 as testing material, the cor-relation of the mould - resistant ability and the yield of A . auricula with the activities of the extracellular polyphe-nol oxidase, laccase, peroxidasc, hemiccllulasc and CMC was studied, The results showed that the mould - resistant ability, related with the activities of various extracellular enzymes in certain degree, was positively related with the yield of A . auricula .
【中文关键词】 黑木耳; 抗霉能力; 产量性状; 胞外酶活
【英文关键词】 Auricularia auricula; Mould ?resistant ability; Yield characteristic; Extracellular enzyme activity
【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,1999年01期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.1999-01-001