曾大兴; 谢和
贵州大学南区园艺系; 贵州大学南区园艺系 贵阳 550025 ; 贵阳 550025
【中文摘要】 在适宜培养条件下,振荡培养4~5d的鸡纵菌(Termitomyces albuminosus)和粗柄鸡■菌(T.robustus)幼嫩菌丝,经过滤洗涤收集,以0.6mol/L KCl为渗透压稳定剂,用1%纤维素酶加0.5%蜗牛酶的混合酶液处理,于28℃酶解3~4h,可获大量原生质体,产量达2.82×106~3.24×106/mL。但所形成的原生质体再生能力较差,再生率仅0.6%~1.2%。本文还详细研究了菌龄、酶系统、酶解温度和时间等多种因素对这两种鸡纵菌原生质体形成和再生的影响。
【英文摘要】 The mycelia shaking- cultured 4-5 days were gathered after being filtered and rinsed. When the mycelia were treated with a combined enzyme system composed of 1 % cellulase and 0.5% glusulase with 0. 6mol/L KC1 being used as osmotic stabilizer at 28℃ for 3-4h, high yield of protoplast (2. 82 - 3. 24×106/mL) was obtained from Termitomyces albuminosus and T. robustus. The protoplast regeneration rate of T. albuminusus and T. robustus was 0.6% - 1. 2% . While the effects of hyphal age, lytic enzyme system, osmotic stabilizer, enzy-molysis temperature and time on the preparation and regeneration of protoplast were also discussed in this paper.
【中文关键词】 鸡■菌; 粗柄鸡■菌; 原生质体形成和再生
【英文关键词】 Termitamyces albuminosus; T. robustus; Preparation and regeneration of protoplast
【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,1999年02期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.1999-02-001