王南; 鲍大鹏; 黄礼滨; 谭琦; 潘迎捷
农业部食用菌遗传育种重点开放实验室; 农业部食用菌遗传育种重点开放实验室; 农业部食用菌遗传育种重点开放实验室; 农业部食用菌遗传育种重点开放实验室; 农业部食用菌遗传育种重点开放实验室 上海市农业遗传育种重点开放实验室 上海市农业科学院食用菌研究所 上海 201106 ; 上海市农业遗传育种重点开放实验室 上海市农业科学院食用菌研究所 上海 201106 ; 上海市农业遗传育种重点开放实验室 上海市农业科学院食用菌研究所 上海 201106 ; 上海市农业遗传育种重点开放实验室 上海市农业科学院食用菌研究所 上海 201106 ; 上海市农业遗传育种重点开放实验室 上海市农业科学院食用菌研究所 上海 201106
【中文摘要】 以不同来源的柱状田头菇(Agrocybe aegerita)为研究对象,就不同的碳氮比、pH值以及培养温度对菌丝生长速度和结实性的影响进行了比较研究,并从同工酶角度分析比较了各菌株的亲缘关系。研究结果表明,不同来源的柱状田头菇所要求的最佳培养条件不尽相同。一般情况下,菌丝在碳氮比为10:1~80:1时均可生长,碳氮比为10:1时,菌丝生长最快,且易结实;柱状田头菇可生长并结实的pH值为4~12,最适宜结实的pH值为6;25℃时柱状田头菇菌丝生长速度最快,而20~25℃比较适合其结实。同工酶分析表明,柱状田头菇菌丝中过氧化物同工酶活性不高,酶带单调,不适宜用做检测遗传多样性的生化标记;酯酶同工酶有一定的活性,可以从相似系数上分析不同菌株的亲缘关系。
【英文摘要】 Agrocybe aegerita strains from different countries and areas were collected. The effect of carbon nitrogen ratio, pH and temperature on mycelial growth and fecundity of A. aegerita. strains was compared. Meanwhile the isozyme tests were applied to analyze the relationship of various strains. The results indicated that the optimal culture conditions were not all the same for A. aegerita strains selected from different sources. Normally, the C/N and pH range suitable for mycelial growth and fruitbody formation were 10:1 - 80:1 and pH4 - 12 resp. , while the optimum C/N and temperature for mycelial growth were 10:1 and 25℃ resp. and optimum pH and temperature for fruitbody formation were pH 6 and 20-25℃ resp. . According to the results of isozyme tests, the per-oxidase isozyme activity of the mycelia was low and the isozyme bands were dull. So, peroxidase isozyme could not be used as biochemical mark for examining genetic diversity. Neverthless, the esterase isozyme activity of mycelia wa...更多s higher and the isozyme bands were more abundant, so it could be applied to analyze the relationship of different A. aegerita strains. 还原
【中文关键词】 柱状田头菇; 培养条件; 同工酶
【英文关键词】 Agrocybe aegerita; Culture condition; Isozyme
【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,1999年03期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.1999-03-000