冯慧琴; 杨庆尧; 糜可; 沈涌
上海师范大学微生物与免疫学研究所!上海200234; 上海师范大学微生物与免疫学研究所!上海200234; 上海师范大学微生物与免疫学研究所!上海200234; 上海师范大学微生物与免疫学研究所!上海200234上海师范大学98届学生
【中文摘要】 在液体培养条件下探讨了培养基的碳源、氮源、初始 pH及其正交试验对灰树花菌丝生长和产糖的影响。适合的碳源是葡萄糖 +土豆 ,淀粉 ,葡萄糖 +蔗糖 ;氮源为蛋白胨 ;初始 pH为6.0。优化配方为葡萄糖 3% ,土豆汁 2 0 % ,蛋白胨 0 .6% ,豆油 0 .1% ,硫酸镁 0 .0 5% ,磷酸二氢钾0 .0 5% ,pH6.0。液体培养 14d产糖量最高 ,达 34 .1mg/ 10 0mL。
【英文摘要】 The effect of carbon source, nitrogen source, initial pH and orthogonal test on the mycelial growth and polysaccharide production of Grifola frondose was investigated. The results showed that the optimum carbon sources were glucose plus potato, starch and glucose plus sucrose; the optimum nitrogen source was peptone and the optimum pH was 6.0. And it was proved in our investigation that the optimal medium composition was glucose 3%, potato extract 20%, peptone 0.6%, soybean oil 0.1%, MgSO 4 0.05% and KH 2PO 4 0.05%( pH6.0),and that the highest yield of polysaccharide was 34.1mg/100mL after fourteen days of liquid culture.
【中文关键词】 灰树花; 菌丝体; 液体培养; 多糖
【英文关键词】 Grifola frondosa; Mycelium; Liquid culture; Polysaccharid
【基金】上海市教委发展基金资助项目! (97D14)
【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,2000年02期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.2000-02-001