刘月廉; 谭树明; 梁恩义; 温美英
湛江海洋大学农学院!广东湛江524088; 湛江海洋大学农学院!广东湛江524088; 湛江海洋大学农学院!广东湛江524088; 湛江海洋大学农学院!广东湛江524088
【中文摘要】 肺形侧耳P954 18菌株属高温型食用菌 ,在广东省雷州半岛多于夏秋季发生。研究了该菌株的形态特征及培养料、温度、料水比、pH、光照等因素对其菌丝生长的影响。结果表明 ,其菌丝能产生大量分生孢子 ,菌盖扇形或贝形 ,菌褶延生 ;适于菌丝生长的培养料依次为稻草、剑麻枯茎、甘蔗渣、杂木屑、剑麻渣 ;菌丝生长适温为 10~ 35℃ ,30℃时菌丝生长最快 ;适宜 pH为 4 .0~ 8.0 ,最适pH为 6 .0~ 7.0 ;适宜的料水比为 1:2 .4和 1:2 .6 ;菌丝生长和子实体形成都需要光照。
【英文摘要】 Pleurotus plumonarius (Fr.) Quel P 95418 is a high-temperature-thermotolerant strain grown in summer and autumn in Leizhou peninsula of Guangtong province. The morphological characteristics and the effect of the compost, temperature, ratio of medium: water, pH and light on the growth of the mycelium were studied. It was demonstrated in our study that a lot of ball shaped conidia were produced by the mycelium, that its fruitbody had flabellate or shell-like pilei and decurrent lamellae, that the optimal compost was rice straw and the following were dry stem of sisal hemp, bagasse, mixed sawdust and sisal hemp trash (the compost of cotton seed shell was unsuitable for its culture), and that the temperature suitable for its mycelial growth was 10~35℃,the optimal temperature was 30℃; the suitable pH was ranged from 4.0~8.0, the optimal pH was 6.0~7.0; the suitable ratio of medium: water was 1:2.4 and 1:2.6 and the light was necessary for its mycelial growth and fruitbody formation.
【中文关键词】 肺形侧耳; 生物学特性; 菌丝日长速
【英文关键词】 Pleurotus plumonarius; Biological characteristic; Daily growth rate of the mycelium
【文献出处】 食用菌学报,ACTA EDULIS FUNGI,编辑部邮箱,2000年03期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.2000-03-005