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    阮瑞国; 罗仰奋; 丁李春; 陈华
    福建省宁德市农业科学研究所!福安355003; 福建省宁德市农业科学研究所!福安355003; 福建省宁德市农业科学研究所!福安355003; 福建省宁德市农业科学研究所!福安355003

    【中文摘要】 采用多孢分离技术产生多个新组合 ,经驯化筛选获得香菇新菌株宁香 8号。宁香 8号菌丝生长适温 10~ 2 5℃ ,子实体生长适温 10~ 2 3℃ ,菌丝生长期 58~ 60d ,室内栽培生物学效率达81.60 % ,室外栽培生物学效率达 92 .85%。宁香 8号不仅适于阔叶木屑栽培 ,亦适于松杉木屑袋栽

    【英文摘要】 A new Lentinula edodes strain Ningxiang No.8 was selected through the domestication cultivation of the new combinations produced from the multi-spore isolation. The experiment results showed that the temperatures appropriate for the growth of Ningxiang No.8 mycelium and fruitbody were ranged from 10~25℃ and 10~23℃ resp., the mycelial growth period was 58~60d, and the biological efficiency of Ningxiang No.8 cultivated indoors and outdoors was 81.60% and 92.85% resp.. Ningxiang No.8 was not only appropriate to the compost composed of wide-leaf tree sawdust, but also appropriate to the compost composed of pine and China fir sawdust.

    【中文关键词】 香菇; 菌株; 选育
    【英文关键词】 Lentinula edodes; Strain; Selection

    【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,2001年02期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.2001-02-007

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