刘月廉; 谭树明; 温美英; 梁恩义
湛江海洋大学农学院!广东湛江524088; 湛江海洋大学农学院!广东湛江524088; 湛江海洋大学农学院!广东湛江524088; 湛江海洋大学农学院!广东湛江524088
【中文摘要】 采用 3种不同分离方法和 3种不同培养基鉴定了洛巴伊口蘑野生子实体分离菌株。结果表明 ,不同的分离菌株与培养基组合 ,其菌丝生长势与长速差异显著 ,根据形态特征和培养特性 ,所分离的菌株被鉴定为洛巴伊口蘑
【英文摘要】 Three isolation methods and three different kinds of media were used to identify the isolated strains of one wild Tricholoma lobayense fruitbody. The result showed that the mycelial vigour and growth rate of the different combinations of isolated strains and media were significantly different. According to the morphological and cultural characteristics, the isolated strains were identified as T. lobayense.
【中文关键词】 洛巴伊口蘑; 分离; 鉴定
【英文关键词】 Tricholoma lobayense; Isolation; Identification
【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,2001年02期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.2001-02-003