沈天峰; 王朝江; 罗信昌; 池惠荣
河南省科学院生物研究所; 河北省农科院农业物理研究所; 华中农业大学应用真菌研究室; 河北省农科院农业物理研究所 郑州450008 ; 石家庄050000 ; 武汉430070 ; 石家庄050000
【中文摘要】 应用RAPD技术对木耳属四个野生菌株进行了DNA指纹图谱分析。综合 10个随机引物的RAPD聚类分析结果表明 ,供试的四个野生菌株与毛木耳 (Auriculariapolytricha)归为一类 ,四个野生菌株间存在一定的遗传差异 ,不是同一菌株。本研究揭示了木耳属四个野生菌株的类源关系及DNA同质性 ,为进一步界定其系统分类地位提供了较为重要的科学依据。
【英文摘要】 DNA fingerprints of four wild strains of Auricularia were analyzed by RAPD technique. These four wild strains were grouped into Auricularia polytricha based on the result of RAPD cluster analysis with ten random primers. But they were four distinct strains because there were certain genetic differences among them. The result revealed the phylogenetic relationship and the DNA homogeneity among these four wild strains of Auricularia. And it also provided more important scientific basis for delimiting their taxonomic position.
【中文关键词】 木耳属; 野生菌株; RAPD
【英文关键词】 Auricularia; Wild strain; RAPD
【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,2001年04期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.2001-04-000