弓明钦; 陈羽; 王凤珍; 苏联军
中国林业科学研究院热带林业研究所; 中国林业科学研究院热带林业研究所; 中国林业科学研究院热带林业研究所; 云南保山市水寨乡林业工作站 广州510520 ; 广州510520 ; 广州510520 ; 保山678000
【中文摘要】 云南保山、楚雄、昆明、丽江等地的调查结果表明 ,松茸因病虫害造成的产量损失约12 .2 % ,由此推算 ,云南年损失松茸约 12 6 .88t,造成的年经济损失约为 5 2 3万美元。初步查明 ,云南常见的松茸病虫害共 5种 ,其中虫害造成的损失约占总损失的 90 % ,病害造成的损失占 10 %。本文介绍了每种病虫害的症状、危害状况及病原或虫种 ,提出了以生态措施为主的防治对策 ,并以海棠村试验结果为依据 ,证明了其防治效果的可靠性
【英文摘要】 The losses of Thicholoma matsutake caused by diseases and pests in Baoshan, Chuxiong, Kunming and Lijiang areas of Yunnan province accounted for 12.2% of the total yield. 126.88t T. matsutake were lost in Yunnan province yearly, amounting to 5.23 million USD. The results of preliminary investigation showed that there were five kinds of common diseases and pests of T. matsutake in Yunnan province, and that the losses caused by the pests and diseases made up 90% and 10% resp.in the total losses. And the symptoms of pests and diseases, harming conditions, pathogens and pest species were introduced in this paper. While the control measures, taking the ecological measures as the dominant factors, were put forward too and the experiment results in Haitang village were taken as the reliability evidence of control efficiency.
【中文关键词】 松茸; 病害; 虫害; 云南保山
【英文关键词】 Tricholoma matsutake; Disease; Pest; Baoshan; Yunnan
【基金】国家林业局重点项目“松茸人工促繁及半人工模拟合成技术研究”(95 - 0 7- 0 2 1995~ 2 0 0 0 )的部分内容
【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,2002年02期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.2002-02-008