肖贵平; 黄占育
福建农林大学科技开发总公司; 福建农林大学科技开发总公司 福州350002 ; 福州350002
【中文摘要】 以小鼠为试验动物 ,进行灵芝菌丝提取物 (GLME)防治呼吸系统炎症试验。结果表明 ,GLME(40mL·kg-1)对由氨水诱发的咳嗽的抑制率为 5 2 .16 % ,而阳性对照药 (可待因 10mL·kg-1)的抑制率为 79.33% ;GLME (40mL·kg-1)使具有祛痰作用的酚红排泌量较对照提高4 19.30 % ,而阳性对照药 (祛痰止咳冲剂 10mL·kg-1)仅使酚红排泌量较对照提高 85 .96 % ;GLME(40mL·kg-1)可显著增强小鼠由二硝基氯苯 (DNCB)所致迟发型皮肤超敏反应 ,其OD值比对照提高 4 0 .14 %。由此可见 ,GLME具有止咳、祛痰和增强免疫力的作用 ,且对慢性支气管炎有较好的防治作用
【英文摘要】 The controlling effect of Ganoderma lucidum mycelium extract (GLME) on the respiratory system inflammation was determined with the mice as testing animal. The results showed that the inhibitory effect of GLME (40mL·kg -1 ) and positive control (codeine 10mL·kg -1 ) on the cough induced by amonia water was 52.16% and 79.33% resp., that the increment rate of GLME (40mL·kg -1 ) and positive control (expectorant and cough mixture 10mL·kg -1 ) for the phenol red excretion amount was 419.30% and 85.96% resp., and that GLME (40mL·kg -1 ) could significantly enhance the delayed hypersensitivity reaction of mouse skin induced by DNCB and the increment rate of its OD value was as high as 40.14%. So, it was concluded in our experiment that GLME had the effects of relieving cough, facilitating expectoration, improving immunity and controlling chronic bronchitis.
【中文关键词】 灵芝菌丝提取物; 小鼠; 药理效应
【英文关键词】 Ganoderma lucidum mycelium extract(CLME); Mouse; Pharmacologic effect
【基金】福建省科委资助项目 (98-H - 2 7)部分内容
【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,2002年02期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.2002-02-004