兰瑞芳; 林少琴; 林玉满; 冯珊
福建师范大学实验中心; 福建师范大学实验中心; 福建师范大学实验中心; 福建省卫生学校 福州350007 ; 福州350007 ; 福州350007 ; 福州350001
【中文摘要】 从杏鲍菇、双孢蘑菇、美味侧耳、茶薪菇、凤尾菇和香菇子实体中提取漆酶 ,用分光光度法测定酶活 ,发现杏鲍菇漆酶酶活最高。实验结果表明 ,杏鲍菇漆酶是一种较稳定的高温酶 ,其最适 pH为 3.0 ,最适温度 6 0℃ ;Pb2 + 、K+ 对酶活有较大的激活作用 ,而Fe3 + 、Fe2 + 则对酶活有较强的抑制作用
【英文摘要】 The laccase was extracted from fresh fruitbodies of Pleurotus eryngii, Agaricus bisporus, Pleurotus sapidus, Agrocybe cylindracea, Pleurotus pulmonarius and Lentinula edodes. It was proved in our experiments that the laccase activity ofPleurotus eryngii determined with spectrophotometry was the highest. The experiment results also indicated that the laccase was stable under high temperature, its optimal temperature and pH were 60℃ and 3.0 respectively,and that its activity was stimulated significantly by the metal ions of Pb 2+ and K +, but inhibited by the metal ions of Fe 3+ and Fe 2+ .
【中文关键词】 漆酶; 杏鲍菇; 生物学特性
【英文关键词】 Laccase; Pleurotus eryngii; Biological characteristic
【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,2002年02期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.2002-02-003