江枝和; 翁伯琦; 唐建阳; 林勇; 杨佩玉
福建省农业科学院食用菌开发应用研究中心; 福建省农业科学院; 福建省农业科学院食用菌开发应用研究中心; 福建省农业科学院食用菌开发应用研究中心; 福建省农业科学院食用菌开发应用研究中心 福州350013 ; 福州350013 ; 福州350013 ; 福州350013 ; 福州350013
【中文摘要】 测定了四种碳源对虎奶菇菌核蛋白质营养价值的影响。结果表明 ,以玉米淀粉为碳源 ,虎奶菇菌核蛋白质的化学评分、必需氨基酸指数、生物价和营养指数分别为 11.6 3、6 9.80、6 4.4 0和 9.98,均居四种参试碳源的第一位 ;氨基酸评分和氨基酸比值系数分分别为 14 .5 5和12 .4 5 ,均居四种参试碳源的第二位。这些结果证实 ,以玉米淀粉为碳源 ,虎奶菇菌核蛋白质营养价值高 ,值得推广应用
【英文摘要】 Effects of 4 kinds of carbon sources on the nutrient value of protein in Pleurotus tuber regium sclerotium were investigated. The results showed that the chemical score (CS), essential amino acid index (EAAI), biological valence (BV) and nutritional index (NI) in the protein of P.tuber-regium sclerotium cultivated with corn starch as its carbon source were 11.63, 69.80, 64.40 and 9.98 resp, all held the first place in 4 carbon sources tested; and that its amino acid score (AAS) and score of ratio coefficient of amino acid (SRCAA) were 14.55 and 12.45 resp, all held the second place in 4 carbon sources tested. So it was confirmed in our experiment that P.tuber regium sclerotium cultivated with corn starch as its carbon source bore protein with high nutrient value, and corn starch should be extended as the carbon source of artificially cultivated P.tuber-regium.
【中文关键词】 碳源; 虎奶菇菌核; 营养价值
【英文关键词】 Carbon source; Sclerotium of Pleurotus tuber-regium; Nutrient value
【基金】福建省科技厅重大项目“食(药)用菌高产优质栽培技术研究 (2 0 0 1Z12 8)”的部分内容
【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,2002年02期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.2002-02-001