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    张引芳; 刘遐; 陈建华; 石磊涛; 王桂金; 黄隶长; 金力; 朱爱莲
    上海浦东天厨菇业有限公司; 上海浦东天厨菇业有限公司; 上海浦东天厨菇业有限公司; 上海浦东天厨菇业有限公司; 上海浦东天厨菇业有限公司; 上海浦东天厨菇业有限公司; 上海浦东天厨菇业有限公司; 上海浦东天厨菇业有限公司 上海201203 ; 上海201203 ; 上海201203 ; 上海201203 ; 上海201203 ; 上海201203 ; 上海201203 ; 上海201203

    【中文摘要】 采用杏鲍菇 (Pleurotuseryngii) 天厨 2 0 0 0菌株进行工厂化瓶栽生产工艺试验。结果表明 ,杏鲍菇菌种长满培养料后 ,经一定后熟期 ,促使培养料养分充分分解和积累 ,可满足子实体生长发育的需求 ;进行搔菌 ,可刺激料面菌丝的新陈代谢 ,有利于子实体原基形成与分化 ;搔菌后不必喷水 ,应采用无纺布覆盖 ,既能保湿、防止杂菌污染 ,又能保证空气交换 ,有利于杏鲍菇子实体的正常生长。

    【英文摘要】 Pleurotus eryngii strain Tianchu No.2000 was used in the commercial production of Pleurotus eryngii and the effects of different treatments on the yield and quality of P. eryngii in bottle cultivation mode were evaluated too. The experimental results showed that after mature periods following full spawn run for the spawn was needed to degrade the compost and accumulate the nutrients completely, and that it was necessary to scratch the culture surface of the bottle in order to stimulate the mycelial growth and promote the primordium initiation and differentiation, however it was no use spraying the culture surface with water after scratching. And it was also proved in our experiments that the yield and quality of P. eryngii were higher if the bottles were covered with non woven fabric which was able to keep moisture, exchange air and protect the mycelia from wild mold contamination after scratching.

    【中文关键词】 杏鲍菇; 菌种培养; 搔菌; 喷水; 覆盖
    【英文关键词】 Pleurotus eryngii; Spawn incubation; Scratching; Water spraying; Covering
    【基金】上海浦东新区科技攻关项目“食用菌工厂化生产新菌株选育及生产工艺的研究”(2 0 0 0 - 13)的部分内容

    【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,2003年02期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.2003-02-007

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